Errit Kayak Club Indemnity Statement
I, in consideration of being admitted to the Club, being allowed to participate in all of the Club activities after my joining and for the use equipment provided by or on behalf of the Club, hereby undertake to indemnify the Club against all liability of any kind to myself or to other persons in respect of death or injury (including that due to neglect or fault of the Club, its members, servants or agents) suffered by me as a result of participating in any Club activities and I declare that this indemnity shall (in the case of my death) be a continuing one binding on my legal person, personal representatives and my estate generally. I confirm that I can swim at least twenty-five meters and am proficient at treading water. I have read the Club’s safety statement and I agree to abide by it along with the other rules and regulations contained in the Members Manual and Club Constitution. I assent to abide by Canoeing Ireland’s Protection Policy and as such agree to fully adhere to the principles and responsibilities embodied in Canoeing Ireland’s Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children.